Underarm care is just as important as your everyday skincare
It's so important to keep your underarms clean if you want to smell good. After all, our sweat doesn't actually stink, it's only when it comes into contact with odour-causing bacteria on our skin that it can become a bit smelly.
To keep your armpits smelling their best, we recommend:
- Washing your armpits daily with soap to eliminate odour causing bacteria.
- Use a loofah or hemp mitt, in the shower to gently exfoliate your armpits once per week.
- Detox your armpits with a clay mask, such as Bentonite Clay once per week.
- Select natural fiber clothing such as cotton, hemp, linen, or wool. Synthetic clothing is known to breed odour-causing bacteria (see blog post below).
- Apply your deodorant morning and night, especially if you're a bit sweatier than usual.

Use the right amount
Many people think using natural deodorant means using a LOT more product when compared to conventional deodorant - and this just simply isn't true!
A tiny pea-size amount for each armpit will effectively target odour-causing bacteria and keep you protected all-day long. Just ensure you massage it in until it absorbs, and cover the entire surface area of your armpit.
Over-applying won't provide you with greater protection, instead you'll just be wasting the product and the excess could stain your clothes.
However, when you first make the switch, don't hesitate to keep a mini tin in your bag if you feel like you need to re-apply throughout the day. You can always wipe your armpit clean in between applications.
Whatever makes you feel more confident - that's what we're here for!

Best Time to Apply
Apply your deodorant balm at night before bed, or first thing in the morning - or both if you're a bit smellier & sweatier than usual. Whatever suits you!
Simply scoop out a tiny pea-size amount for each armpit and massage it in until it's fully absorbed. This is also a great time to get to know your body and check for any unusual lumps and bumps - breast care is so important.
We highly recommend applying your deodorant before you get dressed as it's easier to massage in and avoid getting it on your clothes.
Just remember: LESS IS BEST!

Give Your body time to Adjust
When you first make the switch to natural deodorant from antiperspirants, you may notice you sweat more, as your sweat glands had been 'plugged' by aluminium salts.
Don't give up! Over time your body will adjust and your sweat production and body odour will settle. It can take a few days, or a couple of weeks (we're all so different). Consistency is key.
Still a bit whiffy?
Have you been using natural deodorant for awhile now and still notice you're a bit smelly? It could be your clothes...or washing machine!
Studies suggest that synthetic clothing can actually breed odour-causing bacteria - obviously not what anyone needs.
Instead, look for natural fabrics such as cotton, hemp, wool and linen, as these don't hold hold onto the smell like synthetic fabrics do.
You can read more about this on our blog.
And of course, if you have any specific questions you'd like answered, please check out our FAQ's page or email Trace at info@natural.approach.net.au